Thursday, May 18, 2006

Covenant Zone-Blue Scarf meeting tonight

In the atrium of the main branch of the Vancouver Public Library, 7-9 pm. Come and share with us in dicussing how a new covenant of Canadian nationhood can be forged with the participation of all who are presently caught up in the nihilism and moral relativism of Canadian multiculturalism/leftist imperialism.


Dag said...

Animal dagmatism.

It's Thursday and we are soon to meet again in public to say the unsayable-- in public!

What do we face? We face lunatics such as the one who rails at our friend Jane for being "dagmatic" when she describes in a library the horrors of Islam. No, not just one lunatic, many. Who will stand for Jane?

Hirsi Ali is stripped of her Dutch citizenship after her friend and colleague Theo. van Gogh is murdered. Dissidents killed and exiled from the Netherlands!

Paul Belien of Belgium hounded.

The Seattle Post Intelligencer, a major northwest coast American newspaper accuses the United States government of committing mass murder of its own citizens.

Hound us, expel us, kill us, accuse us of atrocities unimaginable to the sane mind. So what!

We will meet again this evening at the Vancouver Public Library in the atrium from 7-9:00 p.m. I will wear my Israeli flag on my baseball cap. We will come adorned in blue scarves and bandanas. We will never be silent. Never!

truepeers said...

Dagnamit, how did you get that comment up so quickly?

truepeers said...

And did you invite Jane?

Dag said...

Jane, I fear, is cornered by Leftie loonies. I will try to get my friend David involved soon. The more the better.