Friday, April 07, 2006

Covenanting Now...

Any comments on the blog title and description?


Dag said...

I love it. I look forward to you making the first post. And thank you for inviting me. This is very exciting.

Best Regards, Dag.

truepeers said...

I'm not sure i like everything about that description, but i'll wait a while to look at it again with fresh eyes. As for blog policy, let's open discussion on that too. How do we get others to join, and not to join, this blog?

truepeers said...

That first post won't be for a while yet, Dag; i'll gather my thoughts and try to make it something good. In the meantime, please leave your ideas here.

Dag said...

I like it very much. I'll leave it with you for a while to give you time to tinker. I like the look, I like the idea of doing this. I see this as a postive and effective means of working toward a greater solution than we would have had otherwise.

"Fresh eyes" is an old expression I recall from my days as a journalist. I feel like I'm back into it already.

I like it.

truepeers said...

Post anything you like Dag. ONce we get going, we can remove anything that belongs to this experimental stage. I'm too busy today to work on this.

Charles Henry said...

Very eloquently worded mission statement, Truepeers.

I'm especially fond of this part:
"we also value regeneration, confident that we can always rediscover what makes us original."

To my mind this is in integral part of the blog's mission, as we need to offer a view of Canada that demands change, but offers the reassurance that change does not mean becoming the 51st state.

I'm not as certain of the sentence "we begin in Vancouver...our future is your locality". I read the text with that line taken out, and to me it made for a bolder statement.

Here's my humble proposed amendment to the original statement:

"Imagining, networking, and organizing a new future for Canadian politics. We recognize and defend our nation's origins, since joined by people of many pasts; we also value regeneration, confident that we can always rediscover what makes us original. We wish to recreate the Canadian Covenant. Citizens on the internet, challenge the old elites, their political partisans and media middlemen; take the lead and second the motion!"

BvO said...

Looks like an intersting project. I'll be sure to keep an eye on this space in the future.

Dag said...

I'm pleased. I sent out some notices that we're in business soon, and I think we'll soon enough start making some real progress. Nice work, guys.

truepeers said...

Charles, you are probably right about the style. However, I thought we should say something about our being in Vancouver if our goal is to capitalize on the blogosphere by getting people to turn off the computers occasionally and meet in the flesh. ANy ideas how we could convey this idea? right now the description is at the maximum allowed length: 500 characters, so no adding without subtracting.

Dag said...

I've been posting at Canadian blogs. I foind them by doing blog searches. I push the idea of meetings. Some of the responses are positve, though it's a matter of perseverence.

truepeers said...

Checking out the site meter, Dag, i can see we have had some recent Canadian visitors. But the most recent referral is from a Spanish rock guitar blog - i can't figure that one out :) We need to get some more material up before we invite too many here. How about one of your regular posts announcing our next meeting this Thursday night in Vancouver, 7-9, at the Library Atrium, or are we going to move?