Saturday, December 29, 2007

Tis the Season to be Mo Jolly (2)

Am I pissed off? Naw....

Only Muslims Can Use The Word Allah

CAN you make this up? No: "A church and Christian newspaper in Malaysia are suing the government after it decreed that the word 'Allah' can only be used by Muslims.

"In the Malay language 'Allah' is used to mean any god, and Christians say they have used the term for centuries."


"A spokesman for the Herald, the newspaper of the Catholic Church in Malaysia, said a legal suit was filed after they received repeated official warnings that the newspaper could have its license revoked if it continued to use the word.

"We are of the view that we have the right to use the word 'Allah'," said editor Rev Lawrence Andrew."

Yes, we are aware of this controversy even here in Vancouver, Canada; but we didn't take it kneeling down: I am personally leading a campaign to ensure that no Muslim is allowed to use the name Coca Cola. Yes, it is true that Muslims invented Coca Cola thousands of years ago, but Coke is a Christian icon, as we all know, that is misused by Muslims to further jihad against us; therefore, it is only just and reasonable that Muslims forever and anon forego the further use of, and even the infidel imbibing of, Coca Cola.

I pronounce this a fatwa, a thinwa, a deathwa, and not to forget the important things in life, I pronounce this a dagwa.

Dagwa! It's the real thing. (For Americans, of course, it's the real "thang.")


zazie said...

I loved that one ; this may be my last fit of laughter for this year ! Could you manage something alike next week/year?
I wanted to send each of you a mail for the new year, and before that for Christmas, but I could not find any address on CZ....
Anyway, HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL OF YOU, not forgetting all those dear to you.

VinceP1974 said...

i'm glad the Muslims are doing this. Makes it easier for me to make my case when i'm fighting with some leftist that "no.. Muslims do not worship the same god that Chrsitians and Jews do, even if they think they are"

Dag said...

Zazie, my best wishes to you and your husband and family in all. Always a delight to read your comments, your sparkling personality coming through at all times. What a great thing it is to live in a world of happy people, even as we live in such trying times.

Now that you've brought it to my attention I'll try to put my email address on the sidebar somewhere. We meet openly in pubic each week, so obviously we're not shy. And I do love company.

Missed everyone at Christmas time, my schedule being so full (he laughed) that I wasn't able to do anything outside the bathtub.

Happy New Year to you and all!

My best regards, Dag.

Dag said...

Vince, I have been thinking of you and your mates as I try to finish Bruce Bawer, While Europe Slept.

What a difficult thing it is to read about people such as Bawer coping as he did in the hostile and puerile environments of Leftist Europe and savage Islam in its midst. Life isn't easy for you and yours, as we all know, but given the nature of people we do our best to make good where possible and to less the ills. Bawer found out the hard way.

My best wishes to you and yours, regardless of my grumpiness and occasional rhetorical theatricalities.

We're all in it together, and if my knee didn't hurt so badly you just might have found me boogying with the best this coming New Year's Eve. So, if I'm not there, give my regards to all.