Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Dissent in the ranks of France's Revolution Bleue

A few comments from the blog of France's Revolution Bleue movement. As we reported earlier, Claude Reichman, president and founder of the earstwhile french conservative organization, and a tremendous inspiration to the bloggers at Covenant Zone, was fired from his radio show, the latest in a series of strange anti-bleue circumstances. Reichman has announced that his group will protest in front of radio station Radio Courtoisie... but not everyone involved in the group's progress agrees that this is a good idea... to say the least.

Translated by myself from the french site's thread on the announced November 27th protest:

The blue revolution is therefore at the service of Mr. Reichman ? Whenever he has a problem, we must protest ? Isn’t that convevient !

It’s a shame that Mr. Reichman, despite his qualities, has made use of the airwaves that had been granted him through Radio Courtoisie to settle accounts that did not concern the listening audience.
It is also shameful that Mr. Reichman makes use of the Révolution Bleue to protest in front of the stuation.
I thought that the Révolution Bleue served a common cause and not a personal cause.
I am strongly disappointed by Mr. Reichman’s attitude.

I find M. Reichman’s attitude incomprehensible.
If he wanted to kill off Radio Courtoisie he could not have behaved differently.
Do not count on me for the next protest from the Révolution Bleue.

The station's founder, Jean Ferre, had a motto for his broadcast line-up: "for all the right and all the talent". By "all the right" he meant offering a voice to all the various stripes of conservative thought, respecting differences while celebrating similarities of objective.

It is with this spirit that our own humble association has met weekly since the early days of 2006. On a day when our neighbors in the US will be offering thanks for all their blessings, I am appreciative of the opportunity to have found such worthy allies in the la-la land of willful denial, Vancouver British Columbia. If there can be some in this place, seeking to re-establish a new Covenant for Canada and her citizens, there surely must be others throughout our proud nation, that, like France, finds itself at a fateful crossroads between past and future.

Change is in the air, it will be pressed down upon us whether we welcome it or not. With the tragic example before us, of one of France's last great hopes teetering on a precipice, there may be much reason to despair of the immense difficulty of the tasks ahead of us all.

How fortunate, therefore, that our Vancouver meeting falls on Thursday, November 22nd: Thanksgiving Day for our admired American neighbors. Hope for renewal, strength for recovery, and faith in the future are much easier to summon when fueled by the legitimate gratitude and sincere appreciation that we in the west should have for the bounty of wisdom, the treasured liberty and unsurpassed opportunities our civilization has accrued at great cost. On this day of all days, we can recognize that which we have gained, savor what unique gifts have been placed at our disposal, and act to enlist all the right and all the talent available to progress towards a new Covenant for Canada.

Thursday at 7:00 pm in the atrium of the Vancouver Public Library, showing solidarity with our allies in France by wearing once again our blue scarves, in spirit similar to why they wear theirs: the hopeful symbol of a clear horizon, achieved through acts of faith more purposeful and direct than that of crossing one's fingers.

See you there!

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