Friday, May 02, 2008

Some Good News from Britain, Finally.

Never mind that England is going to the dogs in a big way thanks to multi-culti lunatics in the Labour Party indulging themselves in an acid flash-back as national political vision. No, that's fine, it seems, with the average English, but what steams them is a Labour tax fiddle. Let's be thankful it's turning out this way regardless of why. The Tories look to take England and Wales. Maybe Red Ken can continue to spout his Trots rants for a while yet but his time is coming too. This isn't great news but it's better than anything to have come out of Britain in many a year.

[L]abour suffered one of its worst electoral humiliations, with its national share of the vote dropping to 24 or 25 per cent. The Tory share was projected at 43 or 44 per cent, better than its most optimistic predictions.

The margin was similar to the drubbing handed out to John Major in 1995 two years before Tony Blair entered Downing Street.


The Tories were heading for total gains of more than 200 seats and Labour's losses were of a similar order.

The results will put further pressure on Mr Brown's leadership after a dismal few months. His decision to abolish the 10p starting rate of tax was a substantial factor in Labour's reverses.

The only possible consolation for Mr Brown was that Ken Livingstone seemed to have fared better than the polls had suggested. The main parties refused to call the London mayoral result after indications of a high turnout in the inner boroughs, which were expected to be more favourable to Mr Livingstone.


The result added up to Labour's worst electoral drubbing for 40 years ....

Thanks to Mark Alexander for the photo of Red Ken.

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